Gladstone Region Awareness of Suicide Prevention Network (GRASP) aims to promote suicide prevention initiatives throughout the communities within the Gladstone Region. As well as providing information and resources with a focus on events and education, GRASP develops and provides training opportunities and capability building for suicide prevention. Through our support service affiliations, GRASP is the linchpin; connecting communities to increase awareness and understanding of suicide in the Gladstone region.
In case of crisis, you can contact:
000 - Emergency (Ambulance, Police, Fire) 24/7
131 114 - LifeLine
1300 769 814 - Suicide Call Back Service
1300 789 978 - Mensline Australia
1300 853 437 - Dads in Distress
1800 551 800 - Kids Helpline
13 92 76 - 13 YARN First Nations Crisis Support