Gladstone Region Awareness of Suicide Prevention Network (GRASP) aims to promote suicide prevention initiatives throughout the communities within the Gladstone Region. As well as providing information and resources with a focus on events and education, GRASP develops and provides training opportunities and capability building for suicide prevention. Through our support service affiliations, GRASP is the linchpin; connecting communities to increase awareness and understanding of suicide in the Gladstone region.

In case of crisis, you can contact:

000 - Emergency (Ambulance, Police, Fire) 24/7

131 114 - LifeLine

1300 769 814 - Suicide Call Back Service

1300 789 978 - Mensline Australia

1300 853 437 - Dads in Distress

1800 551 800 - Kids Helpline

13 92 76 - 13 YARN First Nations Crisis Support

Workplace Wellness Packs

The GRASP team have been busy packing workplace wellness packs to go to a number of businesses in our region to promote mental wellbeing in the workplace. These packs have been made possible by the generous donations from Tannum Crab Classic.

QAL BBQ Fundraiser

GRASP and Gladstone Mindcare were feeding the masses....

GRASP Christmas Celebration

Mental Health Week Postcard Design Competition

GRASP invited community members to design a post card as part of Mental Health Week 2022.

Ride 4 Lives Family Fun Day

GRASP enjoyed holding an information stall at the Ride 4 Lives Family Fun Day as part of Suicide Prevention Week 2022.