At the completion of the Mental health, alcohol and other drugs Report, the need for a central place to obtain information about support was identified. The Mental health, alcohol and other drugs Working Group was established for the purpose of providing direction on the implementation of this central place – now called Gladstone Mindcare.
Member organisations of the working group are Central Queensland Hospital and Health Service, Central Queensland Rural Health, Artius, Lives Lived Well, Communities 4 Children, Queensland Department of Education, Queensland Police Service, Central Queensland, Wide Bay, Sunshine Coast Primary Health Network, Mind Australia CQ Step Up Step Down, a private psychology service and a music therapist.
We work together to develop an operational model for Gladstone Mindcare as a single access point providing information and referral for mental health, alcohol and other drugs support, complementing and supporting existing services to achieve an integrated and coordinated mental health, alcohol and other drugs support system for Gladstone.

(The OneGovCQ logo represents the view of the OneGovCQ collective not necessarily those of the Qld Government).